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AWS, Lambda

How to Monitor AWS Lambda with CloudWatch
By Blue Matador on July 1, 2020

Since Amazon released AWS Lambda in late 2014, the notion of serverless applications and function-as-a-service has steadily gained steam. Being able to focus on application code and...

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12 Kubernetes interview questions and answers to score that job
By Blue Matador on July 1, 2020

You’ve put in the time applying for tech jobs and have made it to the daunting interview. You know they are going to ask you about Kubernetes, so make sure you are prepared. If you are...

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Report: Lambda use among Blue Matador users in 2020
By Blue Matador on June 25, 2020

It’s no secret that AWS Lambda adoption has grown steadily since AWS first released it in 2015—and for good reason. The benefits of adopting Lambda are many: leveraging Lambda eliminates...

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AWS, Lambda

Fargate vs. Lambda: Serverless in AWS
By Blue Matador on June 16, 2020

Serverless computing has taken off in recent years as engineering organizations have shied away from the complexity and cost that comes with managing physical servers and even virtual...

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Top 4 must-monitor API Gateway metrics
By Blue Matador on June 11, 2020

Intro Marc Andreessen famously said, “Software is eating the world.” Dr. Steve Willmott subsequently retorted, “APIs are eating software.” This is because API based architectures are...

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AWS, Lambda

What is AWS Lambda?
By Blue Matador on June 11, 2020

What is AWS Lambda? Lambda is an AWS service that allows you to run your code completely in the cloud without the need for on-prem servers. As the world has shifted away from on-prem and...

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