With the cost of downtime approaching $700 billion a year, no one can afford interruptions in their app or service. (That works out to be $5,600/minute.)
Continue ReadingWith the cost of downtime approaching $700 billion a year, no one can afford interruptions in their app or service. (That works out to be $5,600/minute.)
Continue ReadingWhen Delta’s data center blacked out in the summer of 2016, it led to three days of canceled flights and nine figures of lost revenue.
Continue ReadingImagine a user exporting a PDF from an entirely cloud-based web app. When they try to download the file, they are greeted with an ugly 503 error (server not available). Frustrated, the...
Continue ReadingIf you want to release a change that's just a single line of code, how long would it take you? How do you know if everything is working — or if customers are starting to notice bugs or...
Continue ReadingUnless you've been living under a rock for the past 4 to 5 years, you know that containers have swept the DevOps landscape by enabling the deployment of microservices a heck of a lot...
Continue ReadingEvery year when Black Friday comes around the corner, system engineers working for retailers start battening down the hatches to ensure website availability.
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